Senin, 03 Januari 2011

Scanning File2 Backdoor di Site Anda.

Nah2 udh lama jga ane blum msukin info2 barunya :)
ok deh mumpung ada info bagus nih untuk memperkuat security site kita. salah satunya scannner dri file2 tanaman backdoor para peretas :p

langsung aja deh.. cekibr00t...

Copas Code ini :

* this script find some shell like
* c99, c100, r57, erne, Safe_Over
* and try to find some of unknow shell searching specific words this can be
* not safe
* how to use:
* the script don't need no-one of these parameter thay are facoltative
* -e Y/N enable disable eusristic mode (default is enable)
* -p a number 1-100 , it's the percentual of word that must be find into the file to warm the euristic mode
* -f check a single file
* -d check a single dir (normaly the program is recursive chek ALL file )
* powered by Dr. nefasto
$euristic__ = array("fopen", "file(", "file_get_contents", "sql", "opendir", "perms", "port", "eval", "system", "exec", "rename", "copy", "delete", "hack", "(\$_", "phpinfo", "uname", "glob", "is_writable", "is_readable", "get_magic_quotes_gpc()", "move_uploaded_file", "\$dir", "& 00", "get");
$word__ = array(
"c99" => array("c999shexit();", "setcookie(\"c999sh_surl\");", "c999_buff_prepare();"),
"c100" => array("\$back_connect_c=\"f0VMRgEBAQA", "function myshellexec(\$command) {", "tEY87ExcilDfgAMhwqM74s6o"),
"r57" => array("if(strpos(ex(\"echo abcr57\"),\"r57\")!=3)", "function ex(\$cfe)", "\$port_bind_bd_c=\"I2luY2x1ZGUg"),
"erne"=> array("function unix2DosTime(\$unixtime = 0)", "eh(\$errno, \$er", "\$mtime=@date(\"Y-m-d H:i:s\",@filemti"),
"Safe_Over" => array("function walkArray(\$array){", "function printpagelink(\$a, \$b, \$link = \"\")", "if (\$cmd != \"downl\")"),
"cmd_asp" => array(" ' -- Read th", "ll oFileSys.D", "Author: Maceo")
//the script work
$euristic_active = true;
$euristic_sens = 40;
for ($i = 1; $i < $argc; $i++)
if ($argv[$i] == "-h")
elseif($argv[$i] == "-e")
if ($argv[$i+1] == "Y") $euristic_active = true;
if ($argv[$i+1] == "N") $euristic_active = false;
elseif($argv[$i] == "-p")
$euristic_sens = $argv[$i+1];
elseif($argv[$i] == "-d")
elseif($argv[$i] == "-f")
function dir_scan($name)
if (!is_dir($name))
echo "$name is not a dir\n";
if ($o = @opendir($name))
while(false !== ($file = readdir($o)))
if ($file == '.' or $file == '..' or $file == basename(__file__)){ continue;}
else if (is_dir($name."/".$file)){dir_scan($name."/".$file);}
echo "i can't open $name dir\n";
function a($file)
global $euristic_active;
global $euristic_sens;
if ($l = file_get_contents($file))
if ( $shell = check($l))
echo "[DANGER] word_list > ".$file."\tprobably ".$shell." shell\n";
else if ($euristic_active)
if ($t = check_euristic($l) and $t > $euristic_sens)
echo "[_ALERT] euristic $t%> ".$file."\tprobably is a shell\n";
echo "i can't open $file file\n";
function check($string)
$check = 0;
global $word__;
foreach($word__ as $shell => $code)
foreach($code as $microcode)
if (stripos($string, $microcode) !== false)
$check ++;
if ($check == 3) return $shell;
return false;
function check_euristic($string)
global $euristic__;
$check = 0;
foreach($euristic__ as $code)
if (stripos($string, $code) !== false)
return intval(($check * 100) / count($euristic__));
function help($me)
echo "indonesianhacker shell scanner\n".
"$me {-e [euristic method default = Y] Y/N -p [[0-100] euristic sensibility fewer == most feeble ] [-d [directory] / -f [file] ]}\n".
"exemple: $me -e N -d /tmp\n"

Lalu, simpan dengan nama amankan.php ato serah ente dah
panggil url nah ... http://situslo/amankan.php
ntar tinggal liat hasilnah....

Saran Dari Omz zee eichel
TESTI gan .. ane pasang di halaman pertama...

semoga berguna gan ....

ditunggu cendolnya dan rate nya gan ....

Summber :

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